Half World

stopPlease stop reading this blog right now and go read Half World by Hiromi Goto.  (I won’t be offended.)  While this blog merely describes a page turning dark YA fantasy with exceptional writing that engages the reader’s senses, Half World is that very thing.

Trust me.  You won’t be sorry.

*Unless otherwise stated, all quotes in the Half World posts of this blog are taken from:

Goto, H., & Tamaki, J. (2006). Half World. Toronto, ON: Puffin Canada.

Image Sources (from top to bottom)

Newsnow Dubois County. (2014, April 23). Jasper To add stop sign At 11th And Main Streets [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://newsnowdc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/stop-sign-300×200.jpg

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